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      Over the past year or two, we've been working with our team riders and ambassadors to develop some new channel systems to use on our boards. While channels have traditionally been used for extra hold through the tail and rail, we felt that incorporating full bottom contours can help to increase all-round board performance.

      We went pretty deep on the research looking at boats, planes and surfboard designs.

      A lot of our inspiration came from the Bob Simmons designed Mini Simmons surfboards, which have since evolved and are evident in a lot of the modern day Daniel Thompson (Tomo Shapes) and Slater Designs surfboards.

      What we've ended up with is 2 new bottom contours based on the theory of a "planing hull" which as the name suggests, gets you planing earlier and easier, giving exceptional down the line speed off the weakest of sections. 

      Zero Slot Hull Channel

      We originally released this on a Limited Edition Zero Slot Hull Channel Board. Feedback from this has been great, so we have since released on a few other models in conjunction with a few of our other features.

      This channel features a large single-hull concave that runs straight through the centre of the board.

      This one was designed for our riders to take their high performance bodyboarding into a bit more average waves.

      In barrelling waves, we'd suggest pairing it with Vax Trax Rails, but if its junky the Slider Deluxe would be ideal for squeezing every little drop of speed out of the waves.

      Torus Hull Channel

       This channel is designed for heavier or slabbier waves.

      On the Torus Channel, the wider points of the channel are at the nose and tail of the board. This allows water to be welcomed into the channel, then squeezed through the narrower centre point at greater speed, before released through the slight concave in the tail at a reduced pressure, much like the Venturi effect.

      This channel shape also allows for increased lift around your shoulder & elbows while allowing plenty of hold through your hips.

      Once again, because we still want the ability to surf slabby waves on this board, we have combined this channel with our Vax Trax Rail Technology for some extra rail hold in steeper sections. 

      Board Model Breakdown:

      Torus - Torus Channel / Vax Trax Rails / Crescent Tail

      Torus Bat - Torus Channel / Vax Trax Rails / Delta Bat Tail

      Speed Dealer 4.0 - Zero Slot Hull Channel / Vax Trax Rails / Chisel Tail

      Speed Dealer 5.0 - Zero Slot Hull Channel / Vax Trax Rails / Bat Tail

      Wingass Dirty Dozen - Zero Slot Hull Channel / Vax Trax Rails / Crescent Tail

      Slider Deluxe - Zero Slot Hull Channel / Regular Rails / Crescent Tail